This MLK day, we encourage you to find some way to be of service to your community. Whether you make time today to volunteer, pause to reflect, educate yourself and or invest in the efforts and people dedicated to the movement, we invite you to take action to honor Dr. King’s legacy.
To find local events in need of volunteers in your area, be sure to check out Volunteer Match or the Americorps’ search tool. Here are some organizations to consider supporting this year.

The American Red Cross
To donate or find opportunities to volunteer your time, The American Red Cross is a great first place to look for national and local events to give back. And in this unprecedented year amid a pandemic, if you can donate blood, consider doing so this week.
Amnesty International
You can donate to Amnesty International, find volunteer opportunities on their website, or find their list of petitions in need of signatures.
The Loveland Foundation
Founded by Rachel Cargle, The Loveland Foundation, provides therapy support for Black women and girls while committing to find unique ways to support communities of color.

Habitat for Humanity
Donate or volunteer your time with Habitat for Humanity by helping construct a home for a family in need or spending time at one of their Habitat Restores processing donations, cleaning the store, or fulfilling specific projects.
Feeding America
In this unprecedented year, more people are finding it harder to put food on the table than ever before. If you find yourself in a position to, you can donate, volunteer, and fundraise for Feeding America, an organization dedicated to solving hunger. Or, you can find a local community fridge near you to drop off some food items for families in your community in need.
Operation Gratitude
Operation Gratitude is all about creating connections between American military and first responders and the communities they’re protecting. This year they have many virtual volunteerism opportunities, but they offer many in-person opportunities to pack care packages, write letters to service members, and more.

The Trevor Project
The Trevor Project works to support the mental health of LGBTQ+ youth. You can get involved by donating, volunteering, and educating yourself on the most pressing issues facing the LGBTQ+ community.
The American Civil Liberties Union is committed to upholding individual rights and liberties in the US. You can donate, sign their petitions, contact your local officials with their resources that guide you through that process, and educate yourself about the issues they’re focused on.
Color of Change
Head to Color of Change’s website to find their active campaigns in need of funds, volunteers with specific knowledge or talents, or signatures for petitions to ensure they can move their efforts forward to fight injustice.
The Salvation Army
Head to your local Salvation Army to donate money or goods to support the families in your community in need, and head to their website to find upcoming local events in need of volunteers.

Know someone who deserves a chance to rest after all the time and effort they put into your community? Nominate a friend who deserves a Getaway today.