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The Art of Doing Nothing

A couple days in nature is enough to remind me how necessary and important it is to do absolutely nothing. I realize that I’ve been conditioned to believe that doing something all the time validates my self-worth or my place in the world, yet in the quietest moments… I remember what an illusion that is. 

It’s easy to believe this illusion because we live in a world that pushes us to hustle, chase, and pursue something outside of ourselves 24/7. While I’m proud of the fire I have within me to relentlessly pursue my passions, I also find so much value in simply doing nothing. In the “nothingness”, I remember my truth, I reconnect to the present moment where all wisdom exists, and I can more easily hear my intuition. The source of all creativity does not come from constantly doing something or feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. It flows from this quiet, restful, and receptive place of “being”.

Now, we’re not meant to just relax, do nothing, and relinquish all desire to contribute to society. It’s about finding the balance between doing and being, between working hard for what you desire while also surrendering to the process. It’s knowing how to stay committed to a project while also knowing when to pull back, rest and rejuvenate. When we learn how to rest in the midst of all the doing, we’re able to recharge our batteries and launch forward in far more effective and impactful ways.

So, the art of doing nothing is really the art of remembering who you are, remembering your truth. It’s remembering that you are not a human doing. You are a human being. And that means establishing balance between the doing and the nothingness.

I reflect on one of my favorite quotes by Eckhart Tolle that summarizes this concept of “human being” so perfectly: 

“You are a human being. What does that mean? Mastery of life is not a question of control, but of finding balance between human and being. Mother, father, husband, wife, young, old, the roles you play, the functions of the cells, whatever you do – all of that belongs to the human dimension. It has its place and needs to be honored, but in itself, it is not enough for a fulfilling, truly meaningful life. Human alone is never enough no matter how hard you try or what you achieve. Then there is being. It is found in the still, alert presence of consciousness itself, the consciousness that you are. Human is form. Being is formless. Human and being are not separate but interwoven.” – Eckhart Tolle, A NEW EARTH

We are supposed to play our roles in society while also knowing how to retreat from it. Striking that balance is what leads to a meaningful life filled with purpose, joy, and light. So next time you feel bad for taking time off and doing nothing… rewire that perspective to see and believe that often, doing nothing is the most productive thing you can do.