One thing we love hearing after our guests have returned from their cabin stays is that they connected more deeply with their partner, their sibling, their parent, their friend, once they were away from their daily distractions. It seems inevitable that with time away from screens and stress, and time spent in nature, we start reflecting on larger themes and questions in our lives, and we start asking our loved ones deeper questions.
Here are some of our favorite questions to ask to get to know our family and friends better.

- What is your favorite childhood memory?
- If you could’ve been born anywhere else, where would you have wanted to grow up, and why?
- What’s your go-to stress reliever?
- What songs have you memorized?
- If your life was a book or a movie, what would the title be, and why?
- What song, movie, or book has meant the most to you, and why?
- Describe your perfect weekend.
- What is something you really want to learn, and why?
- What is your favorite place that you’ve traveled to, and why?
- If you could become bilingual in another language right now, what language would you choose?
- Which if your friends or family do you look up to most?
- What were some of your favorite hobbies when you were a kid, and what are your favorite hobbies now?
- What’s your favorite city, and why?
- Where is your favorite place in nature, and why?
- What’s the wildest thing you’ve ever done?
- What pets did you have when you were growing up?
- What’s the most important element to strong friendships?
- What’s something small that always makes your day better?
- What food couldn’t you live without?
- What’s your most-worn piece of clothing?
- What’s the most impressive thing you know how to do?
- What’s one question that you’d most like to know the answer to?
- What’s something that you think everyone should do in their lives?
- Who inspires you?
- What are your favorite smells?
- What’s something you’ll never do again?
- What’s the most memorable gift you’ve received? What’s the most memorable gift that you’ve given?
- What are you most grateful that your parents taught you?
- What are your favorite and least favorite things about getting older?
- What’s one responsibility you wish you didn’t have?
- What’s the best and worst advice you’ve ever received?
- What small gestures from strangers have meant the most to you?
- What personality traits do you value the most?
- What do you bring with you wherever you go?
- Who was your most interesting teacher in high school or college?
- What question have you not asked me?
- What is the most amazing true story you’ve ever heard?

Want to reserve some time off in nature to ask someone these questions? Book your getaway today.