Ade Ogbomo, is by day an elementary school teacher, but by night she’s a photographer, designer and digital creator. She’s the owner of GabeJade, an African accessory store. In June, Ade stayed at Getaway Piney Woods outside of Dallas as part of our Artist Fellowship program. Here’s what she had to say about her creative process, her connection to nature, and her time at Getaway Piney Woods:

On Photography
“When I started GabeJade in 2017, I decided I would need to learn photography in order to have consistent, quality photos so that my brand would stand out amongst others. When I picked up my first DSLR, it just felt right. It seemed like I was born to be a photographer. Learning photography for my brand and posting the images on Instagram helped me acquire photography clients and partnerships.
“There is nothing like natural light and photographing people/things surrounded by nature. The colors, trees, flowers, and lighting present in nature highlight beauty unlike anything else. I often plan shoots according to natural lighting.”

On Creativity
“Usually for me, coffee = creativity. I usually have my cup of coffee, open all the curtains in my home to allow natural light in and play some calm music to get my ideas flowing. During my Getaway, I did not need coffee, I did not need music. Just being in the middle of nature got my creative juices flowing immediately. The cabin was like a little think tank of ideas, it was the perfect environment for new ideas to flow. It’s definitely something I would suggest every creative do monthly.”

On Nature
“Nature brings balance and clarity—there is nothing like waking up early and going for a walk or just sitting on the balcony and watching the sunrise. It really sets a peaceful tone for the rest of the day. Waking up early and enjoying nature is a productivity life hack for me—it almost guarantees that I will work at an optimal level.”

On Disconnection
“At first, I was skeptical about going somewhere with no Wi-Fi and no TV, but surprisingly not having those things made the stay even better! The large window provided much-appreciated natural light and views, my dog LOVED just sitting and staring at the greenery right outside our cabin. I loved the serene feeling that enveloped me when I was surrounded by nature and the ability to enjoy it without interruption.

“During my cabin time, I was able to sit down and write some ideas out without interruption—being in nature, I felt less inclined to check my phone every 5 or 10 minutes. I have been studying copywriting and the incubation process, as well as branding/increasing brand awareness and during my stay, I was really able to dive in and finish a couple of books I had started on the topic. Being alone with my thoughts boosted my creativity and I was able to iron out the details for a couple of photoshoots and campaigns. This allowed me to return home fired up and ready to dive into new ideas and new angles of selling. Sometimes you just need to recharge—Getaway gives you that and much more.”

You can learn more and follow Ade’s journey by following her instagram account and checking out her website. Feeling inspired? Book your own creative escape today.