My friend Pete Davis, Getaway’s co-founder and fresh law school grad, delivered a graduation speech at Harvard’s commencement last week. His reflection: “I leave believing that the most radical act we can take is to make a commitment to a particular thing, to a place, to a profession, to a cause, to a community… to show our love for something by working at it for a long time.”
The most radical act we can take is to make a commitment to a particular thing, to a place, to a profession, to a cause, to a community… to show our love for something by working at it for a long time.
That sentiment wasn’t invented for a commencement address but is a belief Pete holds deeply, and one he and I made sure was in this company’s DNA. More than a business, we’ve committed to helping our guests and employees have more balance in their lives. Balance between work and leisure. Balance between technology and disconnection. Balance between city and nature. Commitment is contagious, and now it is no longer just Pete and myself working to build broader balance, but our team as a whole.
As so many graduates (including my niece, Mariah — congrats!) enter the world of work, I hope that they will find both something worth committing to and a way to lead balanced lives.
Reflecting on your feedback
It was so refreshing to just realize how long 24 hours really is when you aren’t so worried about how you should be spending your time.
One of our internal commitments is to always listen to our guests, and we heard from you all in 170 emails this month. Here’s one that stood out:
“It helped me feel less stressed about time — modern life has made us obsessed with our own reflection and our relationship with our clocks. It was so refreshing to just realize how long 24 hours really is when you aren’t so worried about how you should be spending your time!”
Sometimes the easiest way to slow down time is as simple as not looking at the clock.

June is LGBTQ+ Pride Month
A final reflection as we enter June: I’m privileged that I don’t have to hide the fact that I’m gay, and I try every day to make sure that I don’t. This Pride, I am grateful for so many people who have made my sexuality a non-issue in my personal and professional life. I’m committed to making that truer, for more people, in more places. Happy Pride, everyone.
As usual, you’ll find a few links below that we think are worth reflecting on. As always, send your notes my way.
Be well,
Jon, CEO + Founder
Summer Reading List — Recommended reads from the team at Getaway, and a chance to win the whole stack.
Meet Lenore: Grandparent Stories — Our cabins are named after grandparents of our team and guests. May we introduce Lenore to you?
Have a hobby — We’re not talking about side hustles and gigs. This NYTimes piece makes the case for having a hobby for the pure enjoyment of it.