We caught up with Janna Harris from @Barreinyourbedroom after she made her escape to Getaway Piney Woods for a few days. She found she was able to disconnect on a few different levels. Read her reflection below:

In a “normal” year, I host Be Balanced Wellness Retreat in Palm Springs, Ca. The retreat was always intended as a chance to operate outside of the usual distractions. The opportunity to disconnect from life in order to reconnect with yourself. But, this is no normal year and like so many other events, the retreat had to be canceled.
My passion to help women explore wellness, travel and balance, however, couldn’t be canceled. I even hosted a virtual retreat, giving attendees the opportunity to “connect” during a time of isolation and share ways to use wellness to cope with all the changes.
That was great, but the connection I really needed was with myself. The only way to truly do that was to disconnect from my day to day duties, distractions and even my physical location. My lifestyle and sanity seemed to revolve around the chance to escape, travel and explore. Quarantine/COVID or not, I still needed that. I needed to getaway.

Flights and long road trips were off the table immediately. I needed a creative alternative to take a trip and regain my balance.
Being just 1.5 hours away from the Dallas Getaway Outpost made travel quick & easy. At the same time, just 1.5 hours from the city and you feel remote, secluded, and immersed in the natural world.
With Getaway providing all necessary amenities and supplies, the simplicity of packing and preparing was a definite plus; making spur of the moment getaways a possibility. You arrive to everything you need, and nothing you don’t want.
In just 3 days, 2 nights alone at my tiny house/cabin, surrounded by trees and often submerged in a deep silence (as neighbors honor the outdoor quiet policy, assuring tranquility for all guest), I experienced all the major components of my wellness retreat.

Mental Wellness: Changing location and stepping away from familiar scenery helps clear the mental clutter and bring a new perspective and clarity. The quiet, remote setting allows you to settle, breathe and turn to introspection. With beautiful grounds and short trails onsite, a morning stroll or afternoon walk offers plenty of chance for reflection.
Emotional Wellness: With the mental decluttering and clarity come the awareness to slow down, process and begin healing or even celebrate recent triumphs and successes.
Physical Wellness: From exploring nearby trails at State Parks, to quick body weight workouts before wine and a book by the fire, Getaway provides the opportunity to focus on physical wellness without thinking about the gym or “working out”.
Financial Wellness : Unlike some of my favorite trips to islands and South American, this is the kind of travel I can do on a budget and maintain your commitment to fiscal responsibility.
Spiritual Wellness: More than anything, committing uninterrupted time to connect spiritually was the most impactful part of my getaway retreat. I allowed myself to savor morning sunrises with a time for devotion, meditation and of course, coffee. I practiced gratitude on long hikes, appreciating nature and creation. I stepped away from the noise of society and culture and reestablished my foothold in my true identity and purpose.
In just 3 days, 2 nights alone at my tiny house/cabin, surrounded by trees and often submerged in quiet, I experienced everything I needed to be balanced.

Book your own private wellness retreat here.