At the start of the year, Getaway’s marketing team set aside some intentional time to rest, reflect, and regroup with WYLD Leadership. WYLD crafts incredible learning and development experiences – in person or virtually – custom to a team’s needs and goals, meaning no workshop is the same.
WYLD’s mission is to draw out the unique greatness in people. They pull from a palette of psychology, nature, creativity, mindfulness, neuroscience, and ancient wisdom to curate a safe and fun experiential learning environment that feels transformative and sustainable. But what was most striking about WYLD’s approach to leadership coaching, was how nature-inspired their workshops were – each and every part of WYLD’s process was aimed at helping our individual team members to recognize the unique strengths and perspectives that are innate and powerful within us, so they look to mother nature to enhance human nature.

Our first workshop with WYLD involved gathering as a team to learn more about WYLD’s framework. Kristin Meek, founder of WYLD, encouraged us to take the time spent in our workshop, to embrace the idea of finding our True North and aligning our schedules and lives with our natural abilities and interests, while listening to our intuition and embracing the natural cycles or seasons in our lives.
Following that workshop, each of our team members filled out the Clifton Strengths Assessment to get a breakdown of our individual strengths. WYLD then held one-on-one coaching calls with each of our team members to walk us through our personal strengths and to give us guidance on actionable steps we could take to work with those strengths to lean into how we naturally work best.
Jordan, our Email Marketing Manager, remarked, “After my coaching call, I understood that the natural habits and traits I’d always had, even going back to my childhood, were strengths that I could apply to my professional life. After working with WYLD I felt like I had a really good grasp on the unique ways that I work best, and what exactly my strengths that I bring to our team are.”
For our final workshop, we gathered once again as a team, and each of us brought a photo that we felt demonstrated our strengths so that we could teach each other about our strengths and assess the strengths of our team as a whole.

The time spent in this final workshop allowed our team to develop language to use around what each of us as individuals needs to do our best day-to-day. And through the use of things like poetry, music, getting outside, and drawing to help us reflect on our personal and professional lives, and to create a space that felt safe for our team members to embrace vulnerability, joy, and connection. Sam, our Head of Growth, said, “I really enjoyed just learning about my new colleagues at a deeper level thanks to the comfortable environment the WYLD team produced. This allowed for our teammates to really step up and show some vulnerability, which was contagious and just great to see.”

Our Junior Designer, Julianna, said, “Our time with WYLD brought me closer to myself as well as my teammates. I always value time that is spent reflecting because it uncovers insights but also tools to empower you and to move forward with in-hand. Coming together as a team gave me space to get a little vulnerable, talk through what I need to do my best work, hear what those around me need, and launch into the new year with strengthened awareness and healthy boundaries.”
Our WYLD experience allowed us to embrace and get to know our true nature as individuals and as a team, and by starting our year off with this intentional time to step back and take stock, we entered 2021 with renewed commitments to ourselves, our work, and our team.
Interested in trying out the WYLD experience yourself? Email them at [email protected] to get your session scheduled and they will match you with a coach that fits your professional and personal goals. Mention promo code WYLD20 for 20% off (this includes a CliftonStrengths code to take the behavioral assessment). A coaching session with a WYLD guide will be tailored to your self development needs, whatever you lead… a business, a family, a team, or your own self through the day, gift yourself the time and space to reflect and grow.

Need some unplugged time in nature to reconnect to the things that matter most? Book your Getaway today.