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Featured Guests: Intention Setting and Vision Boarding with Faith Adcock

I knew I wanted to get a head start on planning for the new year, and figured this unplugged weekend Getaway would be the perfect time to work on it! I love any kind of creative activity, so I grabbed any crafting supplies, old magazines, scrapbooking paper, etc that I could find around my house and brought them with me for us to work on our vision boards. 

Q: How did you choose what to put on your vision board? 
A: After looking through all of the magazines and photos I brought, I cut out any pictures that I liked and anything that helped me visualize what I wanted my 2024 to look like. I also focused on words and phrases that stuck out to me, and I also created some of my own phrases by pasting words from different pages together. For some of my 2024 goals, I wasn’t able to find an exact image to represent the goal, so I found items that I could relate to the overall theme of the goal. 

Q: What is your intention for 2024?

A: One of my main intentions is to increase my focus in multiple different areas of my life. I really want to focus on my career and as a recent college graduate, I want to learn as much as I can in the field I’m working in. I also want to focus on my relationships with important people around me. I’m living back with my family again after graduating college, and I am trying to make the most of the time we all have left together all living in the same house. As well as prioritizing my relationship with my family, I also want to focus on nurturing my current friendships along with putting in efforts to create new friendships and connections. 

Q: What questions or areas of life did you reflect on in order to create your intentions/vision board?

A: I separated my goals into four different categories for the new year, reflected on my life, and thought about what aspects I’d like to change. The four categories I came up with were health and wellness, career, learning, and relationships. During my journaling session, I got very specific about how I’d like to improve in each aspect of my life. Then, I wrote down all of my goals, broke them down into smaller steps that I could take, and created a timeline for myself. 

Q: Walk us through the process of creating a vision board. Have vision boards worked for you in the past?

A: After skimming through my magazines and pictures, I decided what images I wanted to use for my vision board and gathered up images that I associated with my goals. After that, I arranged them and added any words or phrases that I had cut out. I have created vision boards in the past but I’ve always done them online, so this year I wanted to create a tangible version where I could grab something physical, look at my goals, and be reminded of what I want each day. I have seen things come true from my previous vision boards, but I am hoping with my physical 2024 vision board, I’ll be able to find success and fulfillment in all aspects of my life. 

Q: Why did you choose Getaway for these practices?

A: I chose Getaway to create my vision board because I was excited to create without distractions. When creating my vision boards in the past, I’d create them online and have found myself looking to others’ boards online for inspiration. Although there’s no problem with gaining inspiration from others, when I was unplugged for the weekend with Getaway, I really had to think about my vision for the new year and stay true to my dreams, rather than taking from other people’s ideas. 

Q: What are you most excited about for 2024?

A: I am most excited about growth! I hope by the end of 2024 I will be able to look back at the beginning of the year to see how much my knowledge, connections,  memories, and health have grown.