Earlier this Summer, in honor of National S’mores Day, we hosted creator, Dana Coughlin, at Getaway Machimoodus outside of Boston and NYC, so she could disconnect from the noise and focus on finding a fresh twist on the traditional s’more. During her stay, she created this amazing Chocolate Strawberry Croissant S’more—save this recipe in your back pocket for your next escape to nature.

- Croissants
- Strawberries (washed & cut)
- Marshmallows
- Chocolate
- Wash and cut strawberries.
- Cut croissants halfway through so marshmallows, strawberries and chocolate can fit without falling out.
- Place marshmallows and strawberries on roasting sticks and roast over fire.
- Inside the croissant put 3-4 pieces of chocolate.
- Once marshmallows are roasted, place them in the croissant immediately so that the chocolate can melt!
- Enjoy by the fire!
What makes the perfect s’more?
I think the company makes the perfect s’more!! I love creating new recipes and giving them to friends and family to try! Sitting around the fire and eating together is what makes it the best.
What do you want s’more of in your daily life?