The big news: everyone has a podcast, and now so do we: The Getaway Podcast. In addition to wanting to pretend we’re old-time radio announcers, Getaway co-founder Pete Davis and I want to highlight all the people and projects that inspire us and that are helping build the counterbalance to the digital age.
On each episode, we’ll have someone on who is helping us find a better balance between our work lives and leisure time, our lives in the city and our time in nature, or our time with technology versus our time disconnected. Give it a listen and subscribe here. We’re excited to hear your feedback on our first episodes.
In other news, we recently launched a student program to make getting away from term papers, final exams, and messy roommates easier for the collegiate masses.
We hope this communicates how much we care about your feedback and gives you a better sense of what Getaway is — warts and all.
Reflecting on your feedback
We believe deeply in hearing and learning from your feedback. The number one way we’ve improved over the years is by listening and reacting to what you tell us. Those improvements sometimes come from what you loved, but more often come from where we’ve fallen short of our promise. In the spirit of transparency, this month we wanted to give you a snippet of what we hear, the good and the bad. We hope this communicates how much we care about your feedback and gives you a better sense of what Getaway is — warts and all.
The Good
“Thank you for reaching out. First and foremost, wow. I was amazed and impressed by the concept of Getaway, the organization and the design of all the amenities in the cabin. I was blown away by the level of detail, which included the booklet with the poems, games, and instructions on how to unplug from the outside world. It was a one of a kind experience and I thank you for that. I’m a new restaurant owner and just being there was inspirational and sparked so many ideas, so for that alone, thank you. The Getaway was such a wonderful experience, I will be returning hopefully in two weeks.” – Emmanuel, Getaway Boston, August 22nd
“We had a great experience with Getaway. We loved the ease of the lock code, the availability of supplies for purchase and the interior design. My favorite part was the big window and waking up looking at the trees :)” – Emily, Getaway DC, August 10th
“The Getaway staff is always friendly and truly amazing! Such an amazing experience that I recommend to everyone. Getaway will forever be my home away from home.” Sarah, Getaway New York, August 13th
The To-Be-Improved
“Aside from the construction which I have been contacted about, the only other problem I had was the picnic area in the back was pretty overgrown and somewhat unusable. I would have liked to have seen that area a little better prepared for my visit. Otherwise, I loved the time that I spent there.” – Clare, Getaway DC, August 3rd
“I was super excited for our Getaway stay, because of the image portrayed on social media. I was actually pretty disappointed when we got to our cabin and rather than pretty trees and forest out the window, we had a field of cows. We weren’t able to take any of the cute pictures of the window that you see on social media, because there weren’t trees by our window to block the light. I was disappointed because my expectations were for a completely different feel. I would recommend closing that spot or relocating the trailer.” –Samantha, Getaway DC, August 8th
“… your website shows every cabin with the big window which people could enjoy the view in the house. That’s why we took our vacation time and spent 17 hrs flying from Asia. But when we got there, we found it not as what we expected. And you didn’t notice us there are different types of cabins.” –Kyle, Getaway NY, August 13th

In part due to this feedback, we have resolved the construction disruptions at our DC Outpost and are working hard to make sure future improvement projects do not affect our guests. We can do better on that front — no doubt. On cows: I like them, but if you don’t or have some specific requests, you can always email our community team at [email protected]. Finally, four of our original cabins don’t have the ‘signature’ Getaway big window, although they do have other not-as-big but still big windows that face nature. Some guests even prefer that cabin design and find it a bit cozier, if less “instagrammable.”
As always, if you have any ideas, tips or suggestions for improvements, email us at [email protected].
Thanks for reading and be well,
Jon, CEO + Founder
Rethinking Boredom – “Only boring people get bored.” But boredom can motivate us to make changes in our lives, and that’s not such a bad thing.
Finding Time To Write – Artist Fellow Maria Are breaks down how to get that novel out while working a full-time job.
Default Mode Network – A deep look into how your brain processes information while at rest. Daydreaming, anyone?
Forest Bathing Culture – A fascinating look into the meetup groups that go into the woods in search of a health fix.