Features | Reflections

October Reflections

Growing up, Halloween was one of my favorite days of the year. I looked forward to running around with my sister, collecting candy, and devouring it way too quickly. As an adult, Halloween still reminds me of simple, nostalgic fun.

This month, the entire team traveled to Virginia and we spent two nights at our DC Outpost. We got to know each other better and spent time as a team laughing around the campfire under the stars. It is rare to have all of us gathered in one place, and it was especially special to be at one of our Outposts. We even cooked a Friendsgiving meal fully over the fire, and are excited to share photos soon.  

Another exciting moment this month was announcing the pre-sale of How to Get Away, our first book. Pete and I started Getaway back in 2015 because we shared a view of how the world could be. The book documents the values underlying our company and celebrates the many people and organizations who are helping to create our idea of a better world.

October also marks the end of the first season of The Getaway Podcast. We had many great conversations from our tiny cabin studio with a wide range of guests including Andi Pettis, the Director of Horticulture at the High Line, Joe Hollier, creator of The Light Phone, Fran Tirado, a community-maker for all things queer, and several others. We talked about how they balance technology and disconnection, city and nature, and work and leisure. If you haven’t yet, we invite you to give it a listen. We’d love to know who you want to hear from in season two.

I’m looking forward to November, a month that asks us all to focus on the things for which we are grateful. I am grateful for all of our guests, for the opportunity to do what we do, for my friends and family at home, and for those committed to changing the way we live our lives.

As always, feel free to get in touch if you have feedback or ideas.

Be well,
Jon, CEO + Founder