For Your Free Time

Student Tips for Balance

Students are the next generation of our workforce, so it’s more important than ever that they establish healthy work-life balance habits early on. However, with the rise of technology, social media, and smartphones, it’s more likely than not that the tradition of all-nighters are more frequent than rare.

These habits on their own may be harmless, but they are ultimately reflective of an unhealthy work culture that extends beyond the college years.

The technology that can make our lives easier can actually make us work more.

Being a college student in the digital age affords access to knowledge, innovation, and people. Yet the technology that can make our lives easier can actually make us work more. The creation of “constant availability” is a blessing and a curse.

As younger adults consistently gravitate towards digital platforms, digital addiction and work-life imbalance in school can only continue to contribute to our broken work culture post-graduation. That’s why one report suggests that to achieve work-life balance at 30, start at 18.

Here’s a list of handy tips for the average student to help them practice balance, manage digital addiction, and stay present.

  1. Leave your phone out of reach when you go to bed. Looking at screens right before bed strains the eyes and reduces sleep quality. If your phone is your alarm, consider a digital clock or a silent vibrating bracelet alarm as possible alternatives.
  2. Whether walking across campus or taking the bus, keep your mind occupied while keeping your eyes up by listening instead of scrolling. A curated playlist, podcast, or audiobook is perfect for any commute and for reducing screen time during downtime.
  3. Separate work and play. Because our digital devices are often both sources of entertainment and work, establishing physical barriers can help. Keep all work-related activities out of the bedroom – instead, find a nice spot in the library or explore local coffee shops off campus. Focusing on productivity in short increments during the day can make it easier to relax, for real, later.
  4. Avoid multitasking. Grabbing lunch with a friend is always more fun than working with lunch in front of you. And no matter what you tell yourself, having one tab open for Netflix and one open for your homework is neither conducive to studying nor relaxing.
  5. When you’re feeling frustrated or stuck on a problem, take a break to do a non-digital activity. Sketch something around you, take a 10 min walk to grab a snack, call family or a friend, and return to your work refreshed.
  6. Prioritize. Dedicate yourself to 1-2 extracurricular activities that you really love to prevent spreading yourself thin. Developing relationships and leadership in the organizations that you love will be more rewarding than limited involvement and unrealistic time commitments in too many.

Want to really escape campus? Head over to one of our tiny cabins for the ultimate study break. Students now get 15% off  Getaway when they book with their .edu email address. Check out our Students Program page for more details.