We hosted Karina Reyes and her partner at Getaway Eastern Catskills earlier this year so they could spend some quality time together as a newly married couple. Here’s what Karina had to say about their escape.

Living in New York City sounds like every person’s dream, but when you mix in taking the train every morning to work, rushing your breakfast, running to pick up lunch in 30 minutes it’s not the dream we all envisioned. Getting out of the city and surrounding ourselves with nature was the perfect breather from all the commotion, especially during these uncertain times. Breathing the fresh air, being disconnected and just absorbing all that this beautiful earth has to offer just 2 hours away from the city was just perfect
From the moment we arrived, we put our cell phone devices in the suggested box and disconnected from the world. We put some music on and spoke like we never have. We cooked a wonderful meal in the fire pit and just enjoyed the quietness Getaway house has to offer.

At first being disconnected felt weird, I have to say. When you are constantly on your phone it is almost like a drug you cannot live without. Disconnecting ourselves for a few days was refreshing and just taught us that there is so much more to life than a screen, TV, computer or cell phone device. We don’t realize how much time of our days being on our cell phones actually takes, that we forget how to spend quality time with our loved ones.
As a newly married couple we spend a lot of time talking, but this felt different. Talking without interruptions, or distractions just felt much more intimate. We loved just sitting on the bed just looking out the big beautiful window, and discussing our plans, our future and our goals. We also loved waking up in the morning admiring nature and drinking our cups of coffee while spending quality time with one another.

I would suggest any couple leave behind all electronics and just simply disconnect on their own Getaway. Sometimes we are so overwhelmed with work, children, life that we forget about our significant other, not realizing that all we lack in communication. I have always said that communication is key to all problems and being in a place that allows that just feeds water to your plant of love. Don’t be afraid of disconnecting, because that is when you find your true selves. Life is beautiful and we take it for granted. Take the time to take a morning walk by the houses, admire nature, listen to the birds, just take it all in.

Ready to disconnect to reconnect to the one who matters most? Book your Getaway today.