We hosted Amber Lacy at Getaway Hill Country outside of Austin on her birthday, so she could spend #MoreFreeTime with her partner celebrating another trip around the sun. Here’s what she had to say about her escape.

It felt very refreshing to disconnect on our Getaway. I love how every home comes with a cellphone lockbox where you can keep your devices safe and secure during your stay. It definitely helped me stay off my phone and social media!
Unfortunately we were not able to experience Jacob’s Well because it was booked for basically the rest of the season, but this is how we ended up finding out about Cypress Falls! Cypress Falls was only about 10 minutes away from our post. They offered a bar, tubes, and amazing views! Not to mention, they also have a goat island right across the swimming hole! You can get an all day pass for under $10 which was a huge plus for us.

After our Getaway, I noticed how important it is to sit back, give yourself a break and just enjoy the simple things in life.
Amber Lacy
There were so many great moments during our Getaway! My favorite moment had to be between roasting marshmallows once the sun went down, or looking at how beautiful nature looks during the sunrise. I’ve always wanted to experience what camping is like, but with some source of electricity and a decent bathroom (glamping as the kids would say). Getaway gave me exactly what I needed for my glamping experience, so of course we had to top everything off with roasted marshmallows! We are also suckers for big windows and good natural light so of course just looking at one picture of the Getaway home had us sold!
After our Getaway, I noticed how important it is to sit back, give yourself a break and just enjoy the simple things in life. I feel like my generation (millennials) as a whole has this mindset to where we feel like we always have to be doing something productive when that is not the case. It’s okay to detach yourself from your phone and social media sometimes, it’s okay to give your heart a break from the news outlets, and it’s okay to do little things you enjoy even if you feel like it’s not productive. Enjoy your time of solitude because your mental health will thank you later!
Ready to disconnect on your own escape? Book your Getaway today.