Our guests often characterize their Getaway with a simple turn of phrase – disconnect to reconnect.
There’s something other worldly that happens when you turn off your devices and devote undistracted time in nature to the one(s) you love most.
Take it from Getaway guest Emily Conway, who escaped to Getaway Mount Adams with her husband last month. The Washington State-based fitness instructor ditched notifications and slowed down to enjoy some quality time in the great outdoors. Emily shares her story:
The fast pace of our current culture and hurried lifestyle often promises fulfillment, but, I would argue, rarely delivers. While, for a time, we can sustain this manufactured way of life, we are often left tired, in need of refreshment. We need to disconnect from the constant noise and overstimulation we are infiltrated by. Sound familiar?
Do you want to decompress, detox from the steady stream of connection and notifications, tugging at your attention to detail, and the relentless “hustle” from thing to thing? To unplug from the noise so you can plug into the quiet and peace that stillness brings?
Picture yourself bundled up under your wool beanie, zipped into your fleece lined jacket, filled up on a hardy dinner you two slow cooked over an open fire stove, snuggled up together next to a camp fire with nothing but the light from the stars above, the crackling of the embers, and the warmth from the flames and each-others company. You have space to breath, reflect, think, allow your mind to wander, laugh, joke, and enjoy the moment shared. There is stillness surrounding you, and, holding tight to the hand of your mate sitting in the opposite chair, your love deepens as memories are in the process of being made.

Committing to a few things over the 3 days we spent at the cabin greatly increased and magnified the enjoyment of our time there; it might help you too:
- We locked away our cell phones and work to focus on being present in the moment.
- We gave ourselves permission to rest and do things slowly. This looked like waking up to the morning light peeking in, pulling up the shade overhanging our enormous window, revealing that we were sitting smack dab amidst a flurry of beautiful autumn colored trees. With little birds floating around, and sunshine pouring over the tall, dew sparkling grass in the field next to us, we felt like we were waking up in a fairytale. Of course we brought along our chemex, and, since rest was our purpose, each morning we brewed our coffee, sipped it slowly, and cozied up in bed for as long as we could.
- Our favorite pastime while we were there was reading aloud to each other. Getting lost in the pages together, we bonded at a deep soul level.
- Playing cards was another a part of our daily routine. With our competitive edge in common, we dabbled in learning new games, and resurrecting our old favorites.
- We snacked, played, talked, napped, listened to music, slow danced, hiked, strolled on the nearby trails, enjoyed the beauty in the nature around us… and the beauty in each-other.
We had space and time to dream. We reimagined our hopes for our lives, for both the immediate and the future. Our final day found us encouraged and filled up. We were ready to go home with the same intentionality we experienced at the cabin. Purposed to continue to live, and love, in the simple ways we had relearned for the sake of keeping ourselves open to what truly matters: richness in togetherness, and peace in a slowed down life. I am happy to report that we are finding so much joy in doing so.
Head out on a romantic Getaway, and re-spark your connection in nature.